Antiskid Shelter Build

The 80′ by 120′ hoop structure comes from Elemental Shelter Solutions in Burgettstown, PA through Britespan, a Sourcewell vendor.

The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) allocated $6.15 billion to Pennsylvania counties, metropolitan cities, and local government units to support COVID-19 response efforts, replace lost revenue, and maintain vital public services. You may recall that Greene Township received $246,286 of that money back in 2021 and 2022. The Supervisors designated those funds for an antiskid building.

For decades, bottom ash (antiskid) was donated by the local energy companies which served the purpose of antiskid very well. That material is no longer available. 2024 will be the first year we will purchase antiskid.  This material cannot be left to the elements and, therefore, necessitates a storage building.

Ground work began in February 2024 and was performed by township road crew members, along with the help of the Hanover Township crew and Greene Township Supervisors. The staff at Elemental Shelter Solutions from Burgettstown, PA completed the structure on April 15, 2024.