Hill Rd Recreational Park – a 154 acre parcel that combines a stretch of vacant land from Hill Road to a 600-foot riverfront oasis off Dam Road along the Ohio River.

This vacant land is currently available for public hunting. The Hunter Access Program, which is governed by a term-lease agreement, creates a partnership between the Game Commission and Greene Township whereby we work in concert to improve public hunting and trapping opportunities and wildlife habitat on the property. 

Chase Cable from Troop 496 is recognized by the Board of Supervisors for his countless hours placing property markers on the Hill Road property. (2020)


The township also owns a parcel along Silver Slipper Road and Route 168. This 91 acre parcel stretches from the North Mile Trail along SR 168 to Silver Slipper Road next to the Hookstown Volunteer Fire Department. The township municipal building, road department and materials are situated here; however, much of the acreage is available for future development. Currently, this property is used for growing hay and is sold under contract to local farmers.

Over the years there has been a lot of discussion as to the future of both of these properties. However, funds have not been earmarked for development at this time. The township supervisors welcome ideas for future recreation opportunities.