
Term Expires 2027

Mike was selected by the Board of Supervisors to fulfill the remainder of Mike Allison’s term following his resignation in 2014. Mike has already learned a great deal about our Township and what it takes to keep it running smoothly.

During his tenure here he has actively served as Building and Grounds Chairman overseeing projects such as the painting of the old garage which is often rented by residents for community gatherings, grading and seeding of the township landscape and the installation of outdoor lighting at our Pittsburgh Grade Road office.  His continued support of the township budget helps everyone maintain the common goal of proper budget expenditures.


Vice Chairman

Term Expires 2025

Nate has resided in our Township for 20 years and has a dedicated interest in strengthening local government  policies.  He has a background in construction and commercial trucking and volunteers in our community with his children Tim and Jacy and his wife Sandy with various organizations including the Hookstown Fair Board, Cub Scouts, and Stockmen’s Club.  Nate looks forward to more volunteer opportunities both with the Township and with friends and neighbors in the community.  He will oversee the Parks and Recreation Committee and be involved in all processes of the township during his term as Township Supervisor.



Term Expires 2029

Jamie was appointed to the Board of Supervisors in July 2023 to fulfill the rest of Maggie Smith’s term.  He was born and raised in Hookstown, graduated from South Side and Penn State and worked various construction jobs across the country.  After returning to Western Pennsylvania, he spent 11 years in drafting and design before starting Ashcroft Farm & Apiary, LLC in 2015 as a full-time beekeeper.  Jamie lives on his family farm with his wife and three boys.  He looks forward to learning how he can serve the community through the various areas that the township is responsible for .  He is the second generation of his family to serve Greene Township as supervisor.


Legal services are provided by Curt McMillen and Mike Jones of McMillin, Urick, Tocci & Jones.