The Greene Township Zoning Hearing Board was established so that the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance may be fully and equitably achieved and to serve as a means for competent interpretation.
The Township currently operates under the 2012 Revised Zoning Ordinance adopted by the Supervisors on November 5. 2012 The general purpose of the Zoning Hearing Board deals with the zoning regulations and districts set forth in the ordinance.
The ordinances have been made in accordance with the Greene Township community development goals and objectives designed to address health, safety and welfare; the quality of life; and, facilitate the appropriate development and redevelopment of the Township, protect the tax base and encourage economy in public expenditures.
The Zoning Hearing Board consists of three (3) residents of the township appointed by the governing body. Members shall be residents of the Township and hold no other office in the Township. Regular members serve 3-year terms with alternate members serving 3-year terms.
A quorum of three (3) members is needed to hear evidence and decide all contested questions.
Zoning Hearing Board Members
- Francis Himic, Chair
- Judy Novak
- Bivian Moore
- Alternate, Kevin Taylor
- Alternate, Jack E. Sharp III
Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor:
Atty. Max A. Schmierer, Esq