Trevor Infantozzi poses with the trash bin he built with mainly recycled materials for his SSHS Senior Project ~2021

2018 Scout Tree Planting on Township Farm
The trail follows the perimeter of a 27 acre field that is near the Township Office and Garage facility. Total length is about 3/4 of a mile and is a moderately difficult trail with some steep hills. The surface is mowed grass, and is slippery when wet. Please walk carefully!!
Suggested attire is boots, high socks, long pants and a walking stick. The trail is not currently suitable for wheelchairs or strollers. There are lots of wildflowers along the way. Be sure to bring a camera!
To access the trail:
Turn onto Pittsburgh Grade Road from US Route 30 and turn left at the Greene Township Municipal Building sign. Just a few hundred feet down the private drive is the municipal building where you can park near the paper shredding bins and walk between the municipal building and the neighboring willow tree to access the trail.
There is also an access point at the corn crib which is located just past the township building on the right side of the truck entrance driveway. Limited parking is available here.