ROAD BONDING GUIDANCE for overweight haulers
Taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for excessive repairs on township roads caused by heavy haulers. Instead, the cost to repair roads damaged by heaving hauling is placed on the hauling company or their bond provider.
Any vehicle whose weight exceeds the allowable limit on a township road must make application to the township requesting approval to travel that road. Their applicable road bond fee must be paid and an Excess Maintenance Agreement must be on file before their application to travel can be approved by the Road Master.
The amount of bond for your surety company can be determined based on the paved or unpaved rates using the road list below.
Paved – $12,500 per lineal mile
Unpaved – $5,000 per lineal mile
The 2nd Class Township Code calls upon the Supervisors of the Township to reconstruct, improve, repair and construct roads, driveways and bridges in the township.
The links above refer to the sections pertaining to frequently asked questions about road width, shrubbery removal and ditch drainage.
Read the entire section of the code here:
Some vehicles, such as the following are exempt from road bonding:
emergency vehicles | government agency vehicles, and vehicles going to or coming from a residence, commercial establishment or farm on a posted highway or in a location that can only be reached by way of a posted road |
utility vehicles and their contractors | traffic traveling to or from a permanent forest processing mill that is on or reachable only by a posted road |
traffic going to or from a permanent coal processing or preparation plant that is on or reachable only through posted roads | school buses |