Click here for the Right To Know Request form.
Open Records Officer:
Kimberly A. Moore (click to email), Greene Township Administrative Secretary/Treasurer
262 Pittsburgh Grade Road
Hookstown PA 15050
(724) 573-1111
Fax: 573-5690
Pennsylvania Office of Open Records (click for website)
Commonwealth Keystone Building
400 North Street, Plaza Level
Harrisburg PA 17120-0225
(717) 346-9903
- Copies 25 cents per black and white page per side and 50 cents per color page per side
- Certification-$1.00 per record
- Faxing-Twenty-five cents per page; Fifty cents per page to a long-distance number.
- Copies on disk-$1.00 (disk must be provided by Township-no used disks will be used to record data)
- Mailing-actual cost of postage