Sewage Enforcement Services are contracted by the Township with The EADS Group. Below is a summary of their services and fees. Sewage applications can be obtained at our office or through EADS and must be paid in advance of work being done.
THE EADS GROUP, 11045 Parker Dr., North Huntingdon, PA 15642
Anthony DiPippaEngineering Technician, SEO.
Phone: 412-754-0801 ext 425 Cell: 724-601-8539 Fax: 814-443-2748
An application for sewage testing is purchased.
The Sewage Enforcement Officer (SEO) will conduct pit/perk testing.
Once successful, you must have a qualified designer prepare a design for a septic system that will work with the testing results. You or the designer must then submit 3 copies of the design to our SEO. The approved design will be returned to our Township office, at which time you will be billed for the SEO’s final fees for issuing the permit to install a system.
An application for repair or reconnect is purchased at the Township office.
The SEO must issue a letter permitting the repair to or connection of the dwelling to the system.
The current application fee for sewage services can be found below. Your application payment covers costs associated with the SEO’s review and inspections. Remaining funds are returned at the end of the sewage process.